Dec 26, 2022Liked by Bryn Richards

Good luck with your lawsuit. It's generally the only way to wake up the woke. Here in Canada we have several high profile legal non-profits that are suing government and universities at various levels for breaches of constitutional rights of freedom of speech, freedom of association and freedom of movement. It takes $ but they are having good success, with governments and universities dropping their discriminatory policies and sanctions. Next steps will be to sue for harm done to class-action participants, including many students who were forced into medical experiments (covid shots) or forced out of school for exercising their constitutional rights. Fraudulent Misrepresentation and Breach of Contract are two grounds for suing your university for making discriminatory policies which harm you, your career and/or your dependents (future). All the best!

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Bryn Richards

I was recruited directly from college by BP in 1978. If they had not been visiting my college (Paisley College of Technology) as part of their "milk round" I would never have got an interview for sure however because they came to the college every couple of years I got a chance to bypass the 1st stage process or whittling down the applicants and go straight to an interview. I passed that interview and got a second one in London (with Lord Browne who was the Petroleum Engineer for Europe at that time and later became BP Chairman). That opportunity resulted in 42 years with BP all over the world; a great an interesting career.

I find it astounding that our society is now at the point where University bureaucrats can restrict the opportunities for their student body on the basis of politics. I also agree there was NO WIN here in the language change because frankly as I read it, they can restrict access by any company that doesn't fit in with their woke positions.

I despair at what I see going on all around us. The crowds seem to have lost their minds in mass delusion in so many areas. I can only hope they eventually recover their senses, one by one, before disaster ensues. At this moment in time, that feels unlikely......

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I totally agree, and the oil and gas companies seem to go along with the attacks on their industries and do nothing to stand up against the wrong headed, insane and pathetic arguments put out about their industries.

Was it true at one stage BP branded itself as Beyond Petroleum!

The oil and gas industries need to stand up for themselves and explain the benefits they bring to all of humanity!


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This is newsworthy and should have wide appeal in a number of popular media outlets. I hope Bryn can get some interviews to publicize both the University and, importantly, his courageous response to their irrational policies.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Bryn Richards

If the University changed the degree program or policy, affecting your potential employment opportunities, wouldn’t this be legally contestable, where you could require the university to compensate you for lost time and for a refund of your tuition?

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I hope it doesn't come to that, because I'd rather finish the degree (2.5 years in already).

It may already be legally contestable on the grounds that the university isn't being politically neutral. I'll have to speak to a lawyer about it first, or find some advocacy organisation to advise me.

The policy doesn't just affect me - It affects all students, because "any" company can now be deemed "unethical" and banned by the careers service. It's not just mining companies anymore.

It really is a blank cheque to ban any company at will.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Bryn Richards

I'm curious if the tact they'll take is because, ""any" company can now be deemed "unethical"", they couldn't be construed as taking a side. They are equal opportunity offenders with their political neutrality, at least in their own minds and sound chambers. Dark ages, here we come.

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It's possible that's their tactic. However, the terms "sustainability" and the "climate crisis" are political terms, not scientific terms, and are thus clear instances of them taking a side, politically. We know from their liaison with The Guardian and climate alarmist organisations mentioned therein, that they are being motivated entirely by one side of the political argument. It's an open-shut case of political partisanship.

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Great point! In normal times logic would make sense. Your case for partisanship is clear and obvious. These partisan bullies are not playing fair anymore. They control the levers of power though your tuitions pay their way. At the moment it appears all we can do is show them their shameless deception and lies.

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A clear and principled response. Keep the pressure on!

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Bryn Richards

I’m a geologist who’s spent a few years in O&G and a year in mining exploration--not a single company came to the leading state university I went to. It’s horrendous that institutions are explicitly banning them, but for practical purposes it’s worth mentioning that such companies gave up on the universities’ ability to cultivate rational minds a while back--at least in America. The industries are starved of geos and especially of clever, productive geos at the top. It looks like Australia has a burgeoning intellectual geo scene that’s worth following, but other than that the world is bankrupt. Take the plentiful tough jobs and learn quick, maybe use your combined knowledge of geology and industry start a company once you learn the processes top to bottom--that’s my plan.

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Sadly, this is unsurprising. Real men and women of sound principles and logic need to take back the Halls of Academe from Leftwing lunatics. We have allowed these clowns way too much rope and they have taken it all and then some.

Fight back, make noise, demand accountability from leftist nitwits.

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Mr. Richards, perhaps you should consider contacting John O'Sullivan at principia-scientific.com, the website dedicated to truth in science.

John is the stalwart who put his house on the line to back climatologist Dr. Tim Ball vs one of the major fraudsters pushing the climate fraud: put Ball defeats Mann in the search box.

The "climate crisis" is a crock, a political fraud by globalist banksters & billionaires to deindustrialise nations & reduce them to pre-industrial poverty.

Two books I recommend: Human Caused Global Warming THE BIGGEST DECEPTION IN HISTORY

by Dr. Tim Ball (RIP). Only 121 pages, well illustrated, reveals all.

& Heaven and Earth, Global Warming: the Missing Science, by geology Prof Ian Plimer, which reveals, among much else, that Al Gore was also defeated in court. His ridiculous film contains 60 falsehoods, split 35/25 into lies & exaggerations. He was defeated by Lord Christopher Monckton in a Brit court.

I will happily chip in to crowdfund your action.

John Doran.

email: jdseanjd@gmail.com

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I’d recommend transferring to the University of Texas, Texas A&M or Colorado School of Mines. You risk wasting your time and resources to end up with a devalued degree. The chances that a Birkbeck‘s reputation is degradedin the future by that type of administration thinking is quite high.

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Keep up the fight!

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Well done Mr. Richards. You give me hope and inspire me to continue supporting the energy industry raising capital for abundant fossil fuel clean technology processes.

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We need more young, intelligent people in the world like you Bryn. I applaud your effort to stand on principal and point out evil when you see it. God bless...

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Yes the "Beyond Petroleum" was initially used when the new Helios logo replaced the old BP shield symbol. However it fell out of favor after a few years. The staff never used it and I still referred to myself as a British Petroleum employee. I assume you have read Fossil Future by Alex Epstein? Its a good exposure of the cognitive dissonance we are going through today re-oil and gas.

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Well done Bryn for taking on this fight when most people would just shrug their shoulders and say "what can you do".

It takes a lot of courage and commitment to take on a fight like this against an entire institution with basically no support from those who might otherwise get behind you in solidarity, like the cowardly lecturers you describe.

It is important that we do protest and make our objections heard instead of just kowtowing to these totalitarian administrators and bureaucrats whenever we encounter them- which is almost daily unfortunately!

All the best,


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